How Smart India Hackathon(SIH) participation has helped me to strengthen my competency and enhance my skill-sets

Sanket Mallawat
3 min readJul 31, 2020


“Alphabets become words, words become sentences and sentences become paragraphs, these paragraphs define the whole story of an individual”.

So It all just started with one message “come to my cabin” by Mr.Thakur sir. When I reached his cabin I was scared about “what happened? why sir called me?”. I don’t have any idea but when I entered it was a totally different scenario.

That was the day when I knew the first time about the Smart India Hackathon (SIH). It was a very huge and rear platform for me. When sir told me the information about it, I was curious about the problem statement and execution process of the same.

Within a week, I made my team “Dream epic” with six members including me from my department whose names are “Divya, Namrata, Divya, Shravan, and Sumit ”. We all were curious to select the problem statement. There were lots of statements and the important thing was that we have some technical knowledge related to a respective problem statement. So while selecting it we went through lots of new stuff and different fields of engineering. We learned too many new concepts that we didn’t know before and shared so many ideas within the team. So after 3 days, we select 2 statements and then we start working on it to get the solution for the same. To get the solution, we analyze the statement and then relate it. We work in a group of 2 each. The first group searches information on the internet and collects it whereas the second group meets the people who are related to that field and the last group finds the nearest location of the related plant. In this way, we collect all the information related to our problem statement. Then We have all discussed everyone’s ideas and put it as a rough solution. Then we started to find the most suitable solution for that purpose, we literally referred to more than 5+ higher study books related to that topic and found a solution. After that, we went to sir’s cabin and told them about our working solution. After some days, he guided and gave some basic tips for the same as well as told us to make some changes in our solution and with respect to his instructions we did some changes and finally were ready with a solution.

Suddenly, We hear an announcement that each college has to submit 5 teams so that college has to hold an Inter college SIH competition. Now all of us were preparing for a presentation. And we made ppts for the same according to the format given by the SIH portal.

So we did the presentation and presented it in front of our judges. When all team over with the presentation, judges were going to make an announcement for the selected teams. Of course, we were really excited to hear the name of our team .And suddenly the “Dream Epic winner team of our college” said that words passed by our ears and our excitement touched the sky and we felt that winning moment. In this way, our team gets first prize. We all were very happy and our energy was boosted.

On the day of submitting ppt, we were scared “ what would happen?” shall we select or not but we do our best. And finally got the results and efforts gots their success.

We learned “Analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, project management, and leadership skills” under one competition. It was a really very nice experience. We went through lots of things that we didn’t know and it gave us the best experience as well as a memory for the future.

I would like to give special thanks to my Principal Mr.K.P.Patil sir, our Head of department Mr.A.B.Ingole sir and our mentor Mr.Thakur sir and Mr.Bharate sir for your guidance and blessings.

I personally suggest every engineer participates in this type of competition. It’s really helpful for our growth personally as well as technically and also it means one kind of being a part of a nation’s development. Best wishes from me.




Sanket Mallawat
Sanket Mallawat

Written by Sanket Mallawat

“Dedication Towards Destiny”

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